Moose Fund

Moose Fund: helping beavers is a WIN-WIN

Thanks to a generous gift by Mary and Charlie Rumsey of Meeteetse, WY we have established a fund which directly supports moose and the first investment from this fund supports beaver translocation and expansion across Wyoming.

Sage Grouse Fence Inventory

Through our signature program Wildlife Tourism For Tomorrow we were honored to support important sage-grouse fence inventory work through our good friends at the Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation.

Absaroka Fence Initiative

One group we are proud to stand behind is the Absaroka Fence Initiative (AFI). The WYldlife Fund acts as the fiscal sponsor of this collaborative and dynamic group who is performing incredible fence work in and around the Cody area.

Dubois US 26 Wildlife Crossing

This project around Dubois from Stoney Point to Dinwoody Creek (mileposts 48-73) meets a major need in keeping our wildlife and drivers on the go.

Kemmerer HWY 189 Wildlife Crossing

The forthcoming economic development opportunities in this region, and resulting increase in motor vehicle traffic, has made it imperative that we work together to complete the Kemmerer Highway 189 Wildlife Crossing Project in order to protect human lives and save wildlife.

Inspire a Kid Camp

From June 22nd-28th, 2022 The WYldlife Fund was honored to host the first annual Inspire a Kid Camp at the Little Jennie Ranch in Bondurant.

Maury Brown Kids Fishing Day

On June 4th, 2022 The WYldlife Fund partnered with Maury Brown and the Wyoming Game and Fish Department to host the first Maury Brown Kids Fishing Day at the Iron Mountain Ranch outside of Cheyenne.

Hulett Youth Field Days