Inspire a Kid Grant!

Thanks to the Wyoming Sportsman’s Group a $10,000 grant is headed to the Wyoming Game and Fish Department to support Inspire a Kid!

Raising up the next generation of conservationists is important to The WYldlife Fund and WSG!

The WYldlife Fund cares about inspiring the next generation of conservationists and so does the Wyoming Sportsman’s Group (WSG)! All thanks to WSG, we were able to present $10,000 to the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission this week specifically for the Inspire a Kid program. Inspire a Kid, championed by Director Brian Nesvik, seeks to inspire Wyoming’s kids through the majesty of our wildlife and wild places. The great outdoors teach us incredibly valuable lessons, and Inspire a Kid seeks to pass those lessons down to Wyoming’s youth.

These grant dollars from WSG will be used to help purchase pronghorn educational boxes and educational tracking collars.

The pronghorn educational boxes will be loaned out on a long-term basis to schools and museums across Wyoming, to teach children about this wonderful Wyoming critter. The boxes will hold multiple interactive pieces that will teach children about pronghorn. Before this grant, boxes like this were often requested by teachers but none were available for long term use. This grant will help solve this challenge and provide an additional resource for our incredible teachers across Wyoming.

The educational tracking collars will be used in classrooms across Wyoming by biologists to teach children about the importance of migration research. These tracking collars are designed specifically for in classroom use, and can even be hid in order to allow students the opportunity to use the same technology which is used by biologists in the field to track down the hidden collar! This mimics actions used in the field by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department to track down collared wildlife for research purposes. This hands on learning experience won’t soon be forgotten by the children who experience it.

Thank you to the Wyoming Sportsman’s Group for making this grant possible!

First Annual Golf For Wildlife – A Success!

Thanks to the hard work of our good friends at Muley Fanatic Foundation, passionate golfers and outstanding sponsors the first annual Golf For Wildlife Outing on July 31,2021 was deemed a smashing success. Each and every year we plan on partnering with our good friends at Muley Fanatic Foundation to raise funds for a critical wildlife project in Wyoming. This year, we raised funds for the important I-25 Kaycee to Buffalo Wildlife Crossing Project.

This stretch of roadway is the second deadliest in the entire state for wildlife, mainly mule deer! This cost effective project will include building 17 miles of exclusionary fencing on each side of the interstate to funnel wildlife to existing agriculture underpasses. The project is now under design by the Wyoming Department of Transportation and we hope that this project is under construction by next spring. Keep an eye out for this development!

The wildlife of Wyoming help support thousands of jobs and small businesses. It is also a very important part of our heritage and traditions. Golf For Wildlife has clearly shown what can be done to help our wildlife when we come together with passion and purpose. We are happy to report that Golf For Wildlife raised $7,028.78 all of which will be headed to the I-25 project. We will also route this money through the Wyoming Wildlife and Natural Resource Trust for a 1:1 match which will mean over $14,000 will be headed to the project thanks to your generous gifts!

We value your partnership and belief in these efforts. Thank you for believing in Wyoming’s wildlife.

Stay tuned for info regarding the 2022 Golf For Wildlife Outing!

Best Regards,

Chris McBarnes
The WYldlife Fund